Dear C3 Fremantle and C3 Wellard Church Family,
Over the past two nights A Current Affair has featured a two part story on C3.
It will come as no surprise we were portrayed negatively. The persecution of the church and believers is a Biblical concept depicted through the New Testament.
Matthew 5:10-11 NKJV Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake.
Please find attached a detailed media response from our National Operations Team released last night.
This provides clarity around topics raised and may assist your discussions with those around you. We are happy to discuss any of these matters personally should you need to, our door is always open. Ps Nigel and Andrea are currently on annual leave, please contact either Ps Emma or Ps Barry via email, to organise a time to talk. or
No church, leaders or pastors are perfect, but Jesus is. We love C3, we love God, we love each other, and we love our community. We continue to stand with over 20 years of C3 Fremantle being a cornerstone in the community. Over 40 000 people each year are cared for, needs met and lives changed through all we do locally. We continue to forge forward into helping the poor, preaching the gospel, committed to being His hands and feet in other nations. C3 Wellard is firmly established in the Kwinana community, bringing hope to people from all ages and walks of life through the message of Jesus.
C3 Global is led by humble, genuine, Godly visionary leaders. Let’s all stand united, One Church, Two Locations, and:
- Pray for our leaders, Ps Phil and Chris Pringle and Ps John and Danielle Pearce.
- Be in church on Sunday – faith-filled and strong in the Lord.
- Love God, love people, for God is love.
With love,
Ps Nigel and Andrea Surman, Ps Emma, Ps Barry and Michelle and Ps Charlie.